1115 E Koch Dr. Active Permaculture Property for Sale
Optimum Location:
As shown by the Permaculture educator Andrew Millison, the Koch Dr. (pronounced Coke) is optimally located at the slope break.
4 Season Greenhouse:
As sold in 2020 $0 valuation for the existing 4 season greenhouse was allowed because it was full of, and surrounded by – junk. The 4 season greenhouse is fired by both a wood boiler that also has the ability to heat the homespace. I have had the greenhouse up to 90º and higher in subzero temperatures with this boiler alone.
4 Season Greenhouse:
As sold in 2020 $0 valuation for the existing 4 season greenhouse was allowed because it was full of, and surrounded by – junk. The 4 season greenhouse is fired by both a wood boiler that also has the ability to heat the homespace. I have had the greenhouse up to 90º and higher in subzero temperatures with this boiler alone.
Filtered & Structured Water:
A water treatment system that softens & filters the water twice at increasing intensity, uv sanitizes and finally structures the water as it exits is installed. Water is the first building block of a healthy life and this house supports your wholistic health from all sides. A Natural Action MagnaRay MR-24 Whole House Structured Water Unit provides structured water to your tap, and gardening endeavors. Upsteam of that is an Aquasana Rhino whole house salt free softening and filter system.
Filtered & Structured Water:
A water treatment system that softens & filters the water twice at increasing intensity, uv sanitizes and finally structures the water as it exits is installed. Water is the first building block of a healthy life and this house supports your wholistic health from all sides. A Natural Action MagnaRay MR-24 Whole House Structured Water Unit provides structured water to your tap, and gardening endeavors. “Filtration system reduces 97% of chlorine and more from every tap in your home for 1,000,000 gallons or 10 years.” Installed in 2022 with filters replaced every six months.
Home & Greenhouse Monitoring:
Govee & Google Nest create your environmental monitoring, lighting, and home automations.
Masonary Walls:
The home itself was built by a tradesman mason in 1949 and while it was sold in 2020 with a leaking foundation, that has been remedied with two french drains, one front, and one in back.